Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

6 and a half months

Sunday, October 14th, 2007

Having Fun.
Pumpkin PatchTaking a bath.

As usual it’s been a while, but to sum it up I’ve been having fun.  Since my last update I’ve been all over California.  I went to LA for a fun run/walk for cancer.  I made it outside of Yosemite before I got cranky and made my dad turn the car around.  hehehehe.  I also went to Nevada for the fun of it.  It’s nice being on the go.  It gets my mom, dad, and I out of the house.

Well as of my last check up I’m over 18lbs and in the 90-something percentile for my age in height and weight so I guess that’s a good thing.

I’ve been busy

Saturday, August 11th, 2007

MotoGPLike my hat?

Ok,  so it’s been a while since I’ve written something down, but I’ve been BUSY!!!!  Being little is hard work.  I can hold my head up.  That took a little while.  I’m also rolling to one side.  I think next I’ll practice sitting up.

 Just to give a quick run down.  I’m 19 weeks old and close to 16lbs.  On the weekends I’ve been going all over cause I’m happiest in the car.

I guess that is it for now.  Take care.

Week 3

Friday, April 20th, 2007

I am 3 weeks old now.  I surprised my parents today after weighing 9 pounds 10 ounces.  Not to be alarmed, I am not over-weight or anything… here it is the scoop, I lost 7% of my birth weight before I left the hospital.  By week 2, I was supposed to go back to my birth weight but I was 4 ounces short J so I decided to gain 1 pound in a week.  Now I am healthier and my cheeks and smile show it.  After spending two weeks with us my dad went back to work, it was funny cause I kept him up all night and when he got back from work he slept on the couch for two hours.  My tita comes and visits me and every day she is very cool.  My uncle Oskar came to visit me.    Finally I hit a milestone, my belly button fell off this week.  I’m getting bigger and bigger.

Do I look like Pooh?

Thursday, April 12th, 2007


Someone said I look like pooh. What do you think?

First week and a half

Monday, April 9th, 2007

So it’s my first week and a half in the outside world. I was born on Wednesday March 28th, 2007 at 3:38 p.m. in Tracy, CA. I measured 20.5 inches and weighed in at 8 lbs 15.4 oz. One more oz and the nurse said she would have rounded up to 9 lbs. My grandparents took a ton of photos that first day you can see them at .First few days I spent it in the hospital which was kinda cool, expect after a while it got kinda boring because I only had four walls to look at. My parents agreed with me and checked out of the hospital Saturday afternoon.
All in all I think I’m pretty much like a normal baby. I eat, sleep, and poop. My parents and grand parents ooh and ahh over me. When they do that I open one eye check them out, then fall back asleep. Well it’s time for me to get back to sleep.